Sunday, March 13, 2011


Life above 11,000 feet in the High Sierra is never dull. Wednesday’s adventure to the Hulk couloirs outside Bridgeport, CA helped me scratch my steep skiing itch once again. Teamed up with Mammoth’s Christian Pondella and Nate Greenburg, and joined by Tahoe’s Lorenzo Worster, we struck out to make the most of yet another glorious California sun shiny day.
Climbing was fast thanks to a little help from the wind. Buckle deep penetration into creamy winter wind bluff. No complaints.

Descending the creamy winter snow deep between the granite walls.

Nate slashing next to the wall.

                   After a quick lunch, we skinned up for couloir number 2. Another 1500' to go...

 The second line of the day proved to be more protected from the wind. Climbing was a bit more difficult, but the pay off was POW! Dropping in near the top was steep!

                                                          Not a bad way to spend the day!